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It is with great pleasure to welcome Kate Power who is one-half of Amazing Dyslexics, the co-authors of 'The Illustrated Guide to Dyslexia and Its Amazing People' and 'The Bigger Picture Book of Amazing Dyslexics and The Jobs They Do'.

Kate studied Metalwork and Silversmithing at Camberwell College of Art, then began her career working for a jewellery designer, from there on to the Crafts Council, before setting up her own gallery shop 'Applied Arts Agency', where they sold and promoted great designs by designer-makers.

Kate has always been surrounded by amazing dyslexics. Not only in her home, but also studying and working in the creative industries and she LOVES this kind of creative thinking :).

IG: @camparikate


How would you describe your relationship to dyslexia in a sentence, word, image or even a dance move?

When you have found the "thing" you love to do, and the person you love to collaborate with, alongside some great technology and the right workarounds. Then it's AMAZING.

But first, it's important to understand your challenges, ask for help, find your coping strategies, and keep going.

The hard work is worth the effort.

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How does Dyslexia influence your work and/or personal life?

Growing up I was not assessed as dyslexic, but I learned to read later than my peers and worked very hard to keep up. I now recognise that I have some dyslexia challenges. My main struggle is with abstract numbers. I have really tried to learn my times tables (not only myself as a child... but also as an adult with each of my children, and they will not stick! I have tried everything. I also can remember the grammar of a foreign language, it's all that conjugating. I speak French with the verb in it's full form, which always raises a smile, but I get by... And sometimes I just can't find the word I'm looking for...

These excerpts from 'The Illustrated Guide To Dyslexia and Its Amazing People' explain in pictures.


Is there an item that best represents, aids or embraces your dyslexia? If so, can you explain it and share an image of it?

I like a hard copy. I find information on-screen hard to connect with. I like my diary, to do lists, and printouts of visuals of new projects I'm working on. And I love my iPhone and all the magic can do.


What advice would you give to your future self?

Don't worry so much... It's not good for you.

Move Beyond Words

Move Beyond Words (CIC) supports each individual's relationship and experience with dyslexia by stimulating conversations that surround MBW’s works - such as our podcast, as well as our dance performances, both live and digital. When creating new works we aim for dance organisations to question and consider changes which allow working environments to become healthier and more productive for everyone involved. MBW have been consulting dance organisations and artists since 2020 on best practice and working with Dyslexic creatives alongside making collaborative creative projects. Elizabeth and Charlotte are proud to be listed within the top 50 Influential Neurodivergent Women 2022.


