
Sharp shooter Louis is a talented photographer who has worked with MBW on all creative projects. Louis and Elizabeth met in 2016 through a good friend and they clicked instantly. Louis has collaborated on most of Elizabeth's projects from her charity night Vinyl Fantasy to being an interviewee for her series spotlighting artists with dyslexia in 2016.

Louis’s eye for capturing a moment is like no other. The stories that can unfold from his images are vast. Elizabeth recalls the first conversation she had with Louis about his experiences with dyslexia and remembers him saying dyslexia is like his teacher he is always learning from it. He also mentioned how his camera lens frees him from the constraints he often feels in a world that is not set up from people with dyslexia. 

Through our shared experiences and in depth conversations on the subject, Louis has been able to capture the depth and complexities of dyslexia through his images during most of MBWs projects.  

It’s so important for us to champion the voices of artists who are thriving because of the label dyslexia and to highlight their true experiences and Louis is someone we are so thankful to have crossed paths with.

Here is what he said when asked our signature questions:

How would you describe your relationship to dyslexia in a sentence, word, or even a dance move? 

Mentally tremulous but defiant.

How does Dyslexia influence your work and/or personal life?  

Planning is a big thing! For example, say I'm writing an email or note. I have to check it over and over so that it makes sense, not just to other people but to myself! I've rushed through an email before then looked back and been like what we’re you thinking… wow haha. Occasionally it can be time consuming but once I use the similar technique in my photography it can really help with say my attention to detail. I can have a plan in my head of all the things I need to look out for, and it almost brings some structure to what could be a creative mess of a workflow!

Is there an item that best represents, aids, or embraces your dyslexia? If so, can you explain it and share an image of it?

My camera, It gives me freedom from the anxiety dyslexia can sometimes have on you, freedom to just create without any noise.

What advice would you give to your future self? 

Enjoy the present and embrace what you think are life's imperfections, life will always be perfect its just how you chose to perceive it at that moment.


