Colourful, Happy Brush strokes Quote Instagram Post.jpg

When Elizabeth and Charlotte met with Alex to speak about her inspiration behind her designs they immediately noticed how her experiences of having dyslexia weaved into her concepts. Alex worked with us in March 2020, making her one of the first MBW collaborators.

Alex has had such an impact on the branding for Move Beyond Words and effortlessly brought collaborative ideas to life. Her openness to sharing her experiences enabled us to bond and empathise with similar scenarios and brainstorm ways to present these experiences with bold and unapologetic visuals. These visuals have helped us to identify the stigmas and feelings associated with dyslexia and move away from using words.

Through this process Alex discovered a deeper understanding of her personal experiences with dyslexia and gave her the confidence to continue making highly artistic and conceptual graphics and images. We are so inspired by Alex and the power her images behold.

How would you describe your relationship to dyslexia in a sentence, word, or even a dance move? 

Ever-changing, the more I learn about dyslexia in general, the more I understand and embrace my own relationship with dyslexia.

How does Dyslexia influence your work and/or personal life?  

I think dyslexia has made me quite a lateral thinker, which definitely aids my creative work.

Is there an item that best represents, aids, or embraces your dyslexia? If so, can you explain it and share an image of it?

Subtitles on Netflix! I'm not really sure why but I engage more with the storyline when the subtitles are on. Maybe there's something in processing the show in two different ways that helps me understand the information. 

What advice would you give to your future self? 

To be aware that we all think in a different way. My way might take a little longer than others, might also feel a bit more chaotic, but through that longer route, I'll learn, explore and discover more than I would have if I was taking the easier journey. So, my advice to myself is to have more faith and feel confident in my own unique way of thinking.


