Copy of Colourful, Happy Brush strokes Quote Instagram Post (1).jpg

Niall has been such a source of kindness and education for us at MBW as the series one Podcast producer. Entering lockdown in March Charlotte and Elizabeth were overwhelmed by the thought of sharing their  personal stories with the world but equally excited to turn their hands to a new medium. Niall was always there listening to the interviews and guiding the conversations via a live script, feeding in his own curiosities about dyslexia. Charlotte and Elizabeth were able to discuss their findings with Niall and felt it was imperative for him to share his personal experience with dyslexia throughout the process but they felt like they only just touched the surface. So now the tables have turned and we asked Niall our 4 signature questions:

How would you describe your relationship to dyslexia in a sentence, word or even a dance move?

Like a friend, who I mean to keep in touch with more on a regular basis. We may not speak much, but they are always there.

How does Dyslexia influence your work and/or personal life?

Once I accepted my Dyslexia and shared it with others, without embarrassment. It allowed me to have much more confidence in doing the things I am good at.

Is there an item that best represents, aids or embraces your dyslexia? If so, can you explain it and share an image of it?

Making notes and to-do lists really helps me focus and understand tasks better. Making things as simple as bullet points helps me connect the dots as I am a very visual learner. (I will follow up with a picture)

What advice would you give to your future self?

Talk about my Dyslexia, joke about my dyslexia, talk to others with Dyslexia as if it's as normal as liking a certain type of music. It's not a stigma, it doesn't and hasn't held me back. So help others see it that way also.
